Highlights 2019
Personnel changes
New managing board members
Three new members joined the VIG Holding Managing Board at the beginning of 2020. Gerhard Lahner was previously a Managing Board member for the Czech companies Kooperativa and ČPP. Gábor Lehel was General Manager of the Hungarian company Union Biztosító since 2011. Harald Riener moved from his position on the Managing Board of Donau Versicherung.
In recognition of his many years of dedication and outstanding management of the VIG companies in Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltic states, VIG Holding Managing Board member Franz Fuchs was appointed Deputy General Manager on 1 October 2019. He will leave the VIG Holding Managing Board in the middle of 2020. Judit Havasi left the Managing Board of the VIG Holding at the end of 2019 and has been General Manager of Donau Versicherung since 1 January 2020.

Gerhard Lahner

Gábor Lehel

Harald Riener
Strengthening of market positions
VIG Holding concluded the acquisition of Gothaer TU at the beginning of 2019, thereby strengthening its market position for property and casualty insurance in Poland. The company was renamed “Wiener Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Spółka Akcyjna Vienna Insurance Group” (short form: Wiener TU) in July. The Polish VIG insurance company InterRisk also invested in the Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych “TUW” (short form: TUW “TUW”) mutual insurance association. This increased the market share of the VIG insurance companies in the non-life business in Poland.
VIG Holding has operated its own branches in Sweden, Norway and Denmark since September and October 2019. Finnish customers are served under the EU freedom to provide services. The focus is on the traditional industrial insurance business. A locally established underwriter team is used to offer insurance solutions for corporate customers via brokers.