Harald Riener
Harald Riener studied social and economic sciences at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and joined the insurance group in 1998, where he worked in the marketing area for Donau Versicherung and Wiener Städtische until 2001. After working for a media publishing company, he returned to the insurance group in 2006 as Marketing Manager of VIG Holding. He became a member of the Managing Board in Croatia in 2010, and was appointed CEO in 2012. From 2014 to 2019, Harald Riener was a member of the Managing Board of Donau Versicherung where he was responsible for distribution and marketing.
Areas of responsibility: Sales Initiatives Customers & SME, Assistance
Country responsibilities: Moldova, Poland, Romania, Ukraine
Harald Riener is also active in the Supervisory Boards of significant* VIG Group companies: Omniasig (Romania), Compensa Non-Life (Poland), Interrisk (Poland).
*All companies that contribute at least 2% of written premiums and at least 2% of profit before taxes are considered to be “significant”.